Monday, August 15, 2011

Winter/ WEGENER Projects

Longboaring-wise, this winter has been pretty rad. I bought a Sector9 Super Shaka, one of the best boards I’ve ever owned, worked on downhilling a lot and got some sick slides down (Grabbing squandie, 1 foot stalefish, standup split 360, 11-19 foot checks) and got some nice flatlanding done as well. There’s been a lot of progression going on, especially with the groms in Cooroy. Noah, Jordan, Reilly, Jackson, Louis and Brody have all been ripping the Cooroy hills. There was a slide comp at the legendary Bertran Rd in Sunshine (vid coming soon!) which saw team rider Harry Turner walk away with best trick and Joe Cambell and I tie for most style. Everyone ripped hard, except for old mate who ended up calling the cops. I recently started seshing the nearby and AWESOME ‘Bosslyn’ (we can’t say the name for police purposes) with the rest of the Noosa Grom Squad, which I am now a proud member of. Bosslyn is a rad hill, with dozens of surrounding hills, steep straights and sketchy corners. A lot of progression has gone down there in the past two weeks, with two slide jams.
In Cooroy, the most popular hill is now the ‘Eagle Boys Run’ or Miva. Several rippers live on this road such as Jordy, Mitch and Reilly. It’s a chill run, ideal for chill trains or testing a board. It starts off with a slow straight into a fast heelside, then the fastest straight of the run. There you can take a sweet toeside onto a steep straight, or keep going uphill for a tiny bit then onto another steep straight into a tight, rough toeside. ITS RAD.

WEGENER Projects

As far as surfing goes, we’ve started a web TV show call the Creation Plantation. See the first episode here-

 Photo by Joel Larwood

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